Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chloe's big night

Chloe had her winter show last night for the preschool and definitely confirmed to us that one day she will indeed be a "pop star". Her class was performing the song "Goodnight" by the Laurie Berkner Band (one of our favorite musical groups) and needed to come in PJ's. After dinner I asked Chloe to please go upstairs and get ready for the show. When she emerged from her room this was her outfit - I especially like her tights and Lightning McQueen slippers. All of the boys commented on how "cool" her slippers were and Chlo-Bear just gave them that smirk she is ever so famous for. She seemed to really enjoy performing and was quite a ham. Adam and I were the proud parents smiling on at our singing fashionista.
Chloe spies her sister in the audience. Part of her performance.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes, a picture of me and my ever-growing belly.

Some of you have requested a picture of me so here it is. I guess I am almost always the one behind the camera so needless to say there are not a lot of pictures with me in it. After receiving 2 emails and at least one other conversation about this I gave in and had Adam shoot a photo of me. The girls thought it was quite amusing as mommy posed for the camera and did some silly shots.... perhaps I'll add one of those another time. It is amazing, yet a little difficult, to see the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. I truly think women are blessed to have this experience even though we may not realize it as our belly, bum and other parts are expanding and veins we never knew were there are appearing. I am one of those who absolutely loves being pregnant - okay not the first 18weeks when I feel like death but the rest of it for sure. The baby is constantly squirming around and is protected in there... such an amazing feeling!

With 4 weeks to go I find myself with eager arms. I cannot wait to hold our newest little one. Yesterday at a playgroup I got the chance to hold the newest arrival to our group, baby CeCe. I held her for so long, feeling her little tootsies, her soft, fuzzy hair and I had that continual bounce. It was hard to share her with the other women (although I finally did)... when I did my arms felt so empty. I cannot really put the feeling into words; I just know that my arms are so ready for our little one.

Speaking of our little one we have finally decided on names... I think. The boy's name seems to be set with all of us agreeing and we are still deciding between two girls' names. I told Adam we should just plan on another little one so we could use all of our names... he just smiled... smirked might be a better term for what he did. To our complete surprise, Maddie announced she would really like to go to the hospital with us to see the baby come out because she thinks that would be "sooooo cool". As natural of a household as I try to have, I'm just not sure that is something I'm ready for. Some of you have been in the hallway or even in the room with our other deliveries... I'm not necessarily the quietest of natural laborers. Hopefully we will go in the middle of the night when she is sound asleep :)

On another note, yes I turned cousin Kristen away from her visit here... but let me explain. It seems, after looking back at the baby journals from Chloe and Adam, Kristen has babysat the night before going into labor with each of them. Chloe was 3 1/2 weeks early and Adam was just shy of a week early. As crazy as it might sound I just had this vision of her coming this weekend and me going into labor the day after she flies home. Luckily for both of us she really likes the Ravens and wants to be in Baltimore this weekend with her friends to watch them anyway - it all works out.

We are in party planning mode here as we are preparing for Adam's big 4-0 at the end of the month. If I can make it past his poker night then I will gladly invite Kristen for a long weekend:)

Hope everyone is keeping warm. Much love, Laura

Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Boy Bed

The anticipation and finally arrival of Adam's "Big Boy Bed" was the highlight of the weekend. I have never seen him so excited. We have been "talking up" the big boy bed all week - so much so that anytime the doorbell rang Ad would take off running toward the door yelling, "My big boy bed, my big boy bed." Each time I would try to explain that soon, very soon it would arrive.

The day finally came for him on Saturday when the big truck pulled into the driveway. He ran to the window... "my bed, my bed, my big boy bed is here!" He ran to the front door to greet the delivery men and thank goodness they took to him right away because he never left their sides. He inspected and chatted about everything the men did... "you fixin' my big boy bed?" ...."you using that for my big boy bed?"... okay, you get the idea. His little voice is just too cute!!

The man was so incredibly nice that he even let Adam assist him with the drilling; Adam was in his glory. There was some reference to Bob the Builder and we quickly averted the Bob Theme song... thank goodness. (For those of you who were here for or heard about Halloween you understand). After the bed was assembled Adam wasted no time trying it out. The girls and I made the bed for him and my little guy was so excited.

It wasn't until the room was fully put together that it hit me. My little guy isn't so little anymore. In an hour he went from a baby's room to a big boy's room. I admit I became a little teary eyed! I remember the first time he slept in his crib.... I also remember the first time he jumped out of his crib (something the girls never did). While I welcome all of my children becoming their own independent selves there is a part of me that would keep them little forever if I could. I guess it is sort of a rite of passage for him... but he will always be "my little guy".

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Toasting in the New Year

Happy 2009!!!!

Every year we celebrate the New Year with a special family day. We have tried in past years to let the children stay awake New Year's Eve to watch the ball drop but we quickly learned that if they made it until midnight they still wake up the next morning at 6 am. This does not make for a pretty New Year's Day to say the least. Last year we began DVRing the ball dropping for them (a special shout out to The Miner's for introducing us to DVR.... that Jen could be a spokeswoman for TiVo) and that seemed to work well. So what we do now is celebrate New Year's Day with a mock countdown, a family dinner and something special.... this year that something special was family game night.

Daddy back to his waitering days.

The dinner is quite fancy (what you cannot see is Big A in his Terp pants). The girls help set the table, tablecloth and all, the "special glasses" are set out for the toast and the candles are lit.... several times I might add because one certain 2year old boy loves to blow them out. Before we eat Big A gives the New Year Toast. The toast this year was quite special as we are just over 6weeks away from the arrival of our newest little one. After the glasses of sparkling cider - or as Chloe calls it "Sparkling Spiders" - are clinked we go around the table and each say a few things we hope to accomplish or do in the new year. Maddie hopes to learn to ride her bike better, visit Disney World, take a trip to see her family and friends in Maryland and save enough money to buy an American girl doll. Chloe hopes to have a new baby brother or sister, to visit Nina and Grandaddy and everyone else in MD, to go swimming more and to stay a little girl with her mommy. Adam wants to ride Grandaddy's tractor and go to the beach. Adam and I want to stay an active family, keep in touch with family and friends, do some entertaining and exploring and continue to be active in the children's activities (coaching sports, volunteering in classes...).

After dinner this year we had the treat of webcamming with Aunts Patti and Judy.... the girls really got a kick out of this because the screen kept freezing and Aunt Patti really did look like a "frozen statue." If anyone else has a webcam we are always up for a call.

teamwork say "cheese"

Draw 4.. "Gotcha"

Another thing our family is striving for this year is Perfection........ the game that is. Uncle Kenny, Aunt Anna and Jack gave this to the girls this Christmas and it has quickly become a favorite for family game night. There is nothing like trying to get shapes in a hole while the timer is ticking away and everyone is doing the countdown or saying "go, go, go" - yeah, no pressure at all. None of us has beat the clock yet but we are determined to accomplish this in 2009 as well. The girls and Adam have been enjoying taking pictures with their new digital cameras (courtesy of Aunt Jeannie and Uncle Tom).... here they are taking a picture of daddy while he tries to beat the clock while having to say cheese several times. I think Chloe had already taken 230 pictures after only an hour of having the camera. We ended the night with a spirited game of UNO. Somehow or another the girls have teamed up and try to give us as many draw 2' &4's and skips as they possibly can - they think it is the funniest thing going. By the way, we figured out that neither of them likes to have UNO (one card left) because it means that soon they will be out, the game will be over and it will be time for bed.

So, hope you have enjoyed our little recap and from our family to yours.... We wish you a New Year filled with love, laughter and many grand adventures!!

Kristen, if you are still reading..... he loved his mat and cars!!

Much love to all!!