Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're back!!

It has been quite a while since I last posted on the blog. While the blog may have been quiet our house has been nothing of the sort. Adam and I have been busy enjoying our little ones, taking in every precious moment. Life here is truly wonderful! Adam and I talk almost daily of how blessed we are to have such a happy life. How did we get so lucky?

I was so happy to hear how much we have been missed in this space. Thank you for the phone calls and emails touching base and telling me that you check in daily to see if we have posted pictures. Hopefully I will get my groove back and post more often. Also, thanks for all of the gifts for the children and the meals (those meals helped me survive those first few weeks on my own - the only downside is that all of you are much better cooks than I am so Big A has now asked a few times for me to replicate those meals)- thank you notes are on their way. For now, here is a little update.

Gracie is 3 months old already and is growing so quickly - too quickly!! I wish I could stop time and keep her this little forever. She is smiling and cooing and is just such a good baby. She has started sleeping 6 hour stretches at night... woohoo!! She has really good head control since about 2 months and has already started trying to roll. When lying on her back she tries to lift her head and shoulders off the ground as to try and sit up... she is so very strong! I am so glad I am home with her to witness it all... I thank Adam every day for making this possible. Gracie loves her big sisters and brother and enjoys following them with her eyes. I bet she cannot wait to be right there with them. She is quite the conversationalist already... I know, she comes by it honestly. While you are talking to her as soon as you pause she coos as if telling you her part... it is truly precious. She is truly precious!

Maddie, Chloe and Adam thoroughly enjoy their new sister and she thoroughly enjoys them. They enjoy holding her, singing to her, reading to her, kissing her and just loving her. They have all proven to be big helpers and very loving siblings.

Maddie really enjoys school and her friends. She continues to love drawing, crafts, gymnastics, singing and dancing. She was recently selected to be in our town's art show - we were so very proud of her! Maddie is playing softball this season and is doing an excellent job learning the game. She continues to loose teeth almost regularly and is starting to resemble a jack-o-lantern.

Chloe also enjoys school and her friends. She is playing softball as well and gets better with each game. Chloe loves to play princesses with Maddie and Super Hero with Adam. She learned Super Hero at school from the boys (observing not playing) so she thought she should teach Adam how to play since "he is a boy and I am his big sister." Chloe has really proven herself to be quite the big sister.... she is always looking out for Grace and is incredibly in awe of her little sister. I am quite lucky to have Chloe at home with me to help with Gracie!

Adam continues to be all boy. His energy amazes me. He loves playing cars and digging in the dirt. I cannot wait until summer when I can hose him down after playing outside. While all boy he is still so cuddly and loving. He is so gentle with Grace and asks often to hold her and give her kisses. I have a feeling he is going to be quite the protective big brother ( I had a few of those so I know how lucky she will be). His favorite color is still orange and he still loves his friend... Luke (a.k.a. Lukeee). One of my favorite moments with my little guy came the other day as he watched BigA's car pull away to go to work... at the window he looked at me and said, "Daddy's my best friend." Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Big A is doing well. He is enjoying his job and finding some time to play golf with his buddies, hit the gym and tackle his "Honey-do-list". He continues to be a great daddy and an even better hubby.
I am well. I am catching up on some much needed sleep and have finally begun tackling the front garden. My wonderful neighbor Jerri is letting us plant our vegetables in her garden this year so the kids and I are quite excited. I am enjoying hanging out with my girlfriends and slowly getting back into running. Other than that, I am enjoying every moment of being with my little ones and with the love of my life.

That's all for now. Hugs to all!!