Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saint Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day.... always a blast in our house because of that crazy leprechaun. This year we decided to try and catch him. Maddie and Chloe built a great trap, compliments of Family Fun
magazine. The girls woke extra early to see if the trap was a success but unfortunately, the Leprechaun had a little help from a friend and was able to escape. There's always next year.

The Trap complete with trap door at the top so the Leprechaun will fall through.

The ladder was on its side when the girls came down the stairs. The trap door had fallen through.... surely they had caught him.... but oh, this note tucked inside. Who knew there was more than one Leprechaun running around?

Our all time favorite, green toilet water. This just never gets old and ohhhhh the giggles it creates.

Gracie's 1st St. Paddy's day

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More on the photos......

Click on the link below for a slideshow, and then the gallery should open up at the end – password burke. You can also find the gallery on the “clients” section of Nancy's site. Turn your volume on.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gracie's Photo Shoot

Okay, so I have like 100 pictures and stories I want to post and I'm sure soon enough I will get all the photos up on the blog but for now bear with me as I post a little out of order.

Nancy took this picture with my camera.

Last Thursday my dear friend Nancy came over to take pictures of Grace. Nancy is a wedding photographer extraordinaire and wanted to capture a few newborn shots she has been trying to get and who better to try with than Gracie. Nina and Grandaddy were in town and with Maddie in school and Chloe and Adam at gymnastics followed by lunch out we had lots of time to capture these special images. Honestly, it felt so good to have this snuggle time with my little one who slept throughout most of the photo shoot and the results were photos I will treasure forever.
Nancy was a blast to watch in action!! So much so that I was taking pictures of her taking pictures of Grace. It took me back to the fond memories of when Jen and I did photo shoots with Maddie and Ailee as babies in the basement in Frederick. We may not have had Nancy's talent but we sure had fun! Speaking of Nancy's talent... check out all of the pictures Nancy took on her website
Yes, Nancy on the coffee table.... feet up in the air.....
All for this pose... check out Nancy's picture
A big thanks to Nancy, not only for her beautiful pictures, but also for her wonderful friendship!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Meeting baby sister

I could not wait to call the kids in the morning to tell them about their new little sister. Adam and I promised the girls that they, other than mommy, daddy and the doctors, would be the very first to know about their new sibling. It took everything in me not to wake Adam exactly at 7 am to make the call; I just could not contain my excitement. When Adam made the call I was so happy to hear the excitement in the children as well. The girls were excited that the "girl team" had another member.

We could tell almost immediately that I was going to have two very big helpers in Maddie and Chloe. Both were so wonderful and loving with Grace. They loved holding her and singing to her. I can just see them teaching Gracie about tea parties and dollies and all things girl.

As I post this we have had a good week at home and the girls have continued to be absolutely wonderful with Grace. Both have helped with changing diapers (okay they hand me the wipes and the diaper... soon enough I'm sure they will be doing the actual least we can dream right!?), burping and holding Grace. Each night before they go to bed we give each some time to hold and talk and kiss their newest sister. This little ritual has become quite special to Maddie and Chloe and something they look forward to each night... so much so that they remind us if we do not bring her in their room with us.

Adam did well with Grace at the hospital as well. He was definitely interested in her - almost as much as the buttons that made the bed go up and down :) We had to be quite mindful to let him touch and hold her and just take it all in. We definitely feel that we need to teach him about little babies and how to be gentle instead of guarding her from him and saying "no" to him all of the time. It is exactly what we did when Chloe was born with Maddie and when Adam was born with both girls.

As I am posting this Gracie is already a week and 3 days old. The first week proved to be quite a challenge adjusting Adam to a new baby in the house and not quite the attention he was used to. Even with all of the behavioral training I have received in under and post graduate work I found that all I wanted to do was to give him a "grace" period and just hold him and remind him of how much he is loved. I knew that some of his tantrums were due to just needing more sleep and others were his way of saying..."I need your attention. Will you please play with me?" That is just the thing... he is not able to verbalize his needs yet and so instead he "acted out." For everyone that knows Adam well we know that he is definitely all boy (no doubt about it) but that he is also a sweet and polite little guy. He is a kiddo that craves play... building and knocking down marble runs and blocks, making Thomas the train travel around the tracks while you pretend to be the conductor at all of the stops, Lightning McQueen and Sally in their respective voices... crashing matchbox cars and making big BOOM sounds, racing his dump truck up and down the driveway... and so on. The first week I was quite exhausted and quite honestly, I did not want to be my typical "behaviorist self". I just wanted my guy to be happy and to feel loved and attended to. Grace had days and nights confused and we had very little sleep at night. I also came down with Mastitis on Sunday which set me back a little. Luckily the antibiotic kicked in and I felt better by Tuesday. On Tuesday night Grace slept much better during the night and we were able to get one good 4 hour stretch... what a difference a little sleep can make!! Already, since yesterday, we have noticed a marked improvement in Adam's behavior. He is back on his nap schedule and Adam and I and the girls are responding to his "Please play with me" requests. He is still incredibly sweet with "Baby Grace" as he calls her and is still wanting to hold her and "play" trains with her. As I said from the beginning, I think he loves his new little sister greatly I just think he wants and expects the same amount/type of attention from the adults as he is used to . I know this will all work out but it wouldn't be me if I didn't take to heart the feelings of my little guy.

As Adam and I have discussed a lot this week we just need to make sure all of the children are getting some quality us time and that he and I are in tune with their needs. We are adjusting to life as a family of six and we remind ourselves every night how absolutely lucky we are to have such a beautiful and healthy family.

Sweet Baby Grace

Grace Elizabeth was born Friday, February 20th at 12:54am weighing in at 8lbs. 4 oz. and 21 inches long to a very happy mama and daddy. She is absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way!

3am and still full of smiles!
After many false contractions and days of thinking this could be the day I finally had very consistent contractions starting on Thursday afternoon. Because I had a few days where even the most consistent and sometimes painful contractions putzed out Adam and I still were not sure this would be the "real thing". Around 8:30pm my contractions were getting closer and stronger so a quick call to the midwife and a few tears through some of the pain and the pure aw that this little person would soon be in my arms we set out for the hospital. I kept thinking that we may be going a little early but with a longer drive to the hospital this time around and with how quickly things progressed with Adam (who was born 20 mins. after arriving to the hospital) we decided not to take any chances. We arrived at the hospital around 9:15pm at 3 cm. dilated - most of you are aware that I normally arrive closer to 7 cm so I knew we had a ways to go. Our midwife, Kathleen, and all of the labor and delivery nurses were amazing - with us every step of the way. I started off very chatty in between contractions and soon had to concentrate with every ounce of my being. One of my fondest memories was that we said forget about the relaxation music and instead put on 92.9... I will never again listen to the Beastie Boys without thinking about the night Gracie entered the world. It, amongst all of the pain of natural childbirth, was such a happy room. Adam was a great coach, there every step of the way, his strong hand in mine as if trying to bear some of my pain. I am truly lucky to have such an incredible partner in life.

When the time came to push and Grace entered the world the midwife excitedly asked Adam, "Did you see that?" She put Gracie right on my chest and she was perfectly clean.. unlike when the other babies came out. Grace was "born in the caul". That is she was born with her amniotic sac still intact around her body - something that occurs in fewer than 1 in 1, 000 births. Of course midwives seem to be a bit on the more spiritual side and I was told by Kathleen and Valeree, the other midwife, how legend has it that a baby who is born in the caul is good luck and is destined for great things. How appropriate then, that our little girl, born in the caul, be named Grace.