Thursday, February 19, 2009

The GranDentist

Maddie had been walking around with a very loose tooth for days... and by loose I mean almost dangling. She tried apples but the only problem was that she would not use her front teeth to bite into it. Enter the GranDentist. He told her he could pull it and she said no way! Then he told her how he had pulled at least 3 of her cousin Peyton's and how it would not hurt at all. Maddie again said, "No way Grandaddy!"

Then, all of the sudden she hops up and says, to a very surprised mama I might add, "Okay, you can pull it." I wonder if the promise of a treat from the tooth fairy under her pillow had a little to do with it because my little girl is not one to let anyone near her teeth - not even for a wiggle. With that GranDentist sprung into action.

With a Kleenex in hand and one swift pull Maddie's tooth was out. It was so quick that Maddie and I needed proof he had actually pulled it. He showed us her tooth in the napkin and a giddy little girl proclaimed, "that didn't even hurt, not even a bit." Maddie was quite excited! Every time she smiles and I see that gap in her mouth I am reminded that she is becoming quite the big girl and that even though she may be growing and becoming more independent I will always think of her as my baby.
As promised, the tooth fairy came and left a shiny golden coin under her pillow. Ahhh, the magical memories of childhood.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Recap of Valentine's Day Celebrations

A big thanks to Aunt Beth and Uncle Bobby for sending some Valentine's treats for the kids. Adam was quite excited to receive an orange lollipop. Orange is his new favorite color... anything orange is quite exciting for my little guy.

We went upstairs to to get dressed for our day and when we came downstairs our little guy had every lollipop from his bag unwrapped and was sampling each of them. We could not help but laugh... maybe next time I should put the bag up high, although then I might come down to him climbing up on the chair trying to reach his pops... hmmm.

Every Valentine's Day we try to do something as a family... a special outing or craft. This year we went on a special outing to two very fun places. The first was a Paint Your Own Pottery studio not too far from where we live. All three children enjoyed painting and were very pleased with their craftiness. It was great to watch how much time and concentration they put into their pieces.

The second place we went was bowling. I can honestly say it is the most fun we have had in a long time (and we have a lot of fun on a daily basis). We did the "big balls" (ten pins I think is the proper name)with bumpers and we were lucky enough to go when the bowling alley was doing "Rock and Bowl". Loud music, flashing lights - dancing children... pure fun. As Maddie said "Let's rock this house" followed by a "let's get this party started!" Little guy LOVED it...he called it "let's go bowling balls". He ran up with a 6 lb. ball, slid on his knees, released the ball and then spun around on his bum while watching his ball... too funny! The girls also enjoyed themselves. Each had their own style of getting the ball down the lane and each were lucky enough to get a few spares.... did I mention how great bumpers are?? Here are some pictures from bowling.

Maddie with a spare... look how high she jumped.
Chloe with a spare... pure excitement!

Aren't they cute?!!

Happy St.Valentine's Day!!

Wishing everyone a happy day filled with love. We started our morning bright and early with some love-cakes and are getting ready for a little outing. It is odd to think that this might be our last weekend as a family of 5. We'll keep everyone posted. The horrible Braxton Hicks contractions I had the past few days seem to be gone... at least for now. Soon we'll have our newest little one in our arms - I just cannot wait!!
Much love from our family to yours :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Too Cute!

This is how our little boy wanted to go to bed tonight - Thomas shirt and Terp hat. Isn't he just too cute?!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Adam's 40th birthday celebration

What a wonderful birthday weekend we have had in our house! I have heard some people say that birthdays are no big deal but in our home that couldn't be further from the truth. Birthdays are seen as a time to celebrate the person, the day they were given life and all they mean to us.... okay, I really do love birthday celebrations and it has rubbed off on the kids and Adam too!!

The festivities for Adam's 40th began Friday evening with a poker night for Adam and his buddies. To his great surprise, his brother and dad made the drive up from Maryland and arrived just before party time. The look on Adam's face was priceless!! It took him a few seconds to register who was walking through the door and then that smile... that smile I have come to adore in my husband, when he is truly wowed by something - once again, priceless! He just couldn't seem to believe that Kenny and Dave had made the long drive to be with him on his big day. He still is talking about how amazing they are!! I couldn't agree more!
Poker night seemed to go quite well from all of the laughter I heard downstairs (yes, I snuck up to my room to read after tucking the children in, giving the men that much needed male bonding time). I woke only shortly as my husband came into the room around 2 am!! Adam is very lucky to have made some good friends here and he is already talking about doing poker once a month with the guys. It just makes me so happy to see Adam so happy!!

Saturday, Adam's actual birthday, was great as well. After catching up with some ZZZzz's the children and Dave (Adam's dad) gave Adam wake-up birthday kisses - what a great way to start your birthday, huh?! It was a day of hanging out and enjoying each other's company. Oh yeah, and a lobster and steak dinner..... compliments of Dad and Kenny. A very chocolaty cake made by the children with some help from me and a Stoneyfield Farm recipe helped round out the evening. The kids got a kick out of putting 40 candles on the cake and helping Daddy blow them out. We were happy Nina was able to join us in singing via speaker phone... too bad there wasn't a way to share the lobster with her. The girls put on a late evening show for Daddy that they had been practicing all week. It was quite an exciting show as the sugar high set in, yes, right before bedtime. Uncle Kenny and I were laughing about the fact that the term bouncing off the walls really does mean something with a giddy, chocolate filled 6 year old girl.

We were sad to see Grandaddy and Uncle Kenny leave but so incredibly happy they were able to spend this time with us in celebrating Adam. And now, as I write this, my husband and children are cuddled on the couch laughing hysterically at a Tom & Jerry cartoon as daddy tells him this was one of his favorites as a little boy. Adam stumbled upon an "old school" cartoon channel and seems to be enjoying reminiscing with the girls about "when he was their age". I do not see them moving from the couch any time soon and I think I am going to go join them.

Happy Birthday my sweet husband. The world is a much better place with you in it and I am forever thankful to your mom and dad for giving you life!!